Shri sudhanshu ji shiksha sansthan is a Non-Profit Organization dedicated to bringing back Curiosity into our Education System. Shri sudhanshu ji shiksha sansthan is dedicated to revolutionizing the present education system and come up with a system that will address and celebrate the uniqueness of each and every individual that will foster Curiosity and Creativity.
That is functional part/agenda of trust
Agriculture, Art & Culture, Children, Civic Issues, Differently Abled, Education & Literacy, Aged/Elderly,Food Processing, Health & Family Welfare, Water Resources, Women's Development & Empowerment, Skill Development
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries, Art & Culture, Children, Dalit Upliftment, Disaster Management, Education & Literacy, Environment & Forests, Health & Family Welfare, HIV/AIDS, Human Rights, Information & Communication Technology, Micro Finance (SHGs), Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, Minority Issues, Panchayati Raj, Rural Development & Poverty Alleviation, Sports, Vocational Training, Women's Development & Empowerment
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